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Term Limits for Congress


Posted 3:54 pm, 06/25/2020

I don't like those people holding office for a life time but they are being elected. I don't like V Foxx but she is still elected every time. If you really want term limits, we could start with Foxx and vote for someone else.


Posted 3:47 pm, 06/25/2020

We already have term limits. It's called 'the ballot box'. And here we are.


Posted 3:15 pm, 06/25/2020

I'm not so sure. I'm kind of afraid you'd see more Louie Gohmerts that way.


Posted 3:11 pm, 06/25/2020

I'm all for term limits. I think it is a great idea.


Posted 3:10 pm, 06/25/2020

You signed something to get Nancy Pelosi out of the White House?

Well done. Did you also give out your social security number?


Posted 3:07 pm, 06/25/2020

i signed it lets get those flea bag scums out of the white house especially that 90 year old big lipped Nancy out


Posted 9:11 am, 06/25/2020

How many years has Joe Biden been in office?

How many years has Joe Biden been in office?
2009 to 2017

It time to quit.


Posted 9:10 am, 06/25/2020

I didn't say it's the system is ethically right. I said it's the best option. Big companies will always have access to politicians that individuals don't. PACs and lobbyists give groups of citizens their voice.


Posted 9:07 am, 06/25/2020

Of course there wouldn't be a need for lobbyists. There would be no free speech.


Posted 9:02 am, 06/25/2020

Did you know the state legislature was on track to pass a bill to close a loophole that illegal debt settlement companies had found in NC yesterday? Do you know what happened? A group of lobbyists showed up and all of a sudden the vote came to a halt. How is that right? It shows that money talks.


Posted 7:06 am, 06/25/2020

If we go socialist, there will be no need for lobbyists. Problem solved.


Posted 7:02 am, 06/25/2020

You're talking about messing with free speech. I'm not sure how it could be changed without doing more damage. Keep in mind if you did away with it all together, the CEOs and politicians are members of the same country clubs that most people can't even get into


Posted 11:30 pm, 06/24/2020

Then maybe we should change how lobbying is done.


Posted 11:12 pm, 06/24/2020

Banning lobbyists will hurt the individuals more than the big corporations and the rich. Because they always have access to politicians. Regular people do not though and have to get power through groups and lobbyists.


Posted 10:54 pm, 06/24/2020

As I have said time and time again we need term limits and elected officials should be required to sell off any stock holdings before they take office. Ban lobbyist from DC and require them to write their congressperson just like we do. Stop dark political contributions. Banish PACs. Stop all the money wasted to stay in power.

And that would recreate American politics to a positive.


Posted 10:30 pm, 06/24/2020

Foxx has pretty much voted against every single veteren bill.


Posted 8:17 pm, 06/24/2020

You are right Burr has been senator for 16 years and congressman for 10 years, 26 years total.


Posted 8:02 pm, 06/24/2020

Burr has not been a senator for 26 years.


Posted 7:53 pm, 06/24/2020

What has Virginia Foxx done well she's kissed Trump's nether parts. Just imagine that ugly old witch having her thin parchment lips close to any part of your anatomy, Ugh!


Posted 7:39 pm, 06/24/2020

HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! Way Back in 1994, When "THE GOOD CITIZENS" of N C, Sent a Young man, That was, At the Time, Swearing to "GET TERM LIMITS INTO LAW"!! Well, Senator BURR, SPENT 26 years, In Washington, Never once again to mention "TERM LIMITS" .

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